
Just one of those nights

I am definitely having one of those nights when sleeping seems impossible. 

I have so much on my mind, I can't stop it.

It seems amazing to me to think about the infinite things that there are to think about. Thoughts have no end. Sometimes I think it is not normal to question everything or to think so deeply about even the simplest things in life. But how can you not? 

When I have these nights, I turn to books. Literature has this fervent power over me. I absolutely love it. 

I love being able to indulge in someone else's world. A world created by the endless connections of words. I love being able to set your own world aside and experience another, which you never thought possible. Literature has this power to heal. To heal your soul when it is hurt, preoccupied, angry, and falling apart. 

Words have the power to create and destroy a world at the same time. Why don't people find that fascinating?! It all boils down to the author. Authors have the power to create a masterpiece. A masterpiece capable of joining forces together, destroying countries, or reuniting a world in chaos.

I wish I had that power.

This is insomnia at its finest.

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